Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thriftspiration Thursday: Pretty in Pink (And more!)


     I KNOW I've been SUCKING at blogging lately. And I know this is the second time I've apologized for it, how can you trust me anymore, I'm pathetic, how dare I come crawling back like a stray dog, etc. But I promise you this blog is still important to me, and it WILL live on.

Enough of that, let's pick back up with another Thriftspiration Thursday...

     You know how I said in my last TT that I love the 90's? Well I do, but the 80's I have always despised. The music blows (some exclusions apply). The clothes are tacky (NO exclusions apply). The movies are cheesy. I've never understood why people are so obsessed with it. It's just a mess of bad synth lines, shoulder pads and gremlins; why must it be the theme of every sorority rush party?
     These WERE my thoughts on the 80's, until the 2010s came around. And I know people have been saying this since 1990, but the 80's are coming back! And the movie Pretty in Pink can be used as hard-hitting evidence. Mixed patterns, tons of accessories, lots of layers. Crazy, eclectic styles were huge back then, and they are huge now. They are also VERY thrifty-looking, as you can see in the picture above.
     I also just really like the movie itself. It's got a good, real, touching plot line, surprisingly enough. I laughed, and I even cried! (I also relate to Molly Ringwald's character on a personal level. She's funny, has an awesome style, is a high school outcast and boys won't leave her alone. Obviously me.) If you haven't seen it: First of all, where have you been? And second of all, watch it! It's on Netflix, you fool! Who hasn't seen every movie on Netflix these days?

Anyways, I hope you liked my second Thriftspiration Thursday, but if you are one of those people who's yelling "Booooo, get back to teaching me how to thrift shop!" at your computer screen (Yeah, I can hear you. How? The world may never know...) I have a couple quick shopping tips to keep you satisfied for now:

1. This may seem obvious to some, but I didn't even think of it until recently. A lot of you, when thrift shopping, look through every single thing on the rack. I do this too, but I didn't realize how much time I was wasting just by looking at things I can tell I obviously won't wear just by seeing the side of it hanging on the rack. At the very least, eliminate pieces of clothing that are colors you know you would never wear. I can't stand wearing pink, yellow, heather grey, hunter orange, white and lime green. That might not be your same list, but you get the idea. Form a color "hate" list and just don't even move the hanger to look at them. It saves time when you're shopping on a tight schedule.
2. This is for my petite readers: Did you know that the kids section of Goodwill is HALF the price of the regular stuff? There's some stuff on those racks that doesn't look half bad! And no one eeeeever has to know it came from the kids section. Think you might fit into a kids size Large or XL? Give it a whirl! Not to mention I've found some really cool t shirts there. My Japanese Star Wars shirt is my prized possession.
3. A lot of people are hesitant to buy electronics at Goodwill because they think they won't work, but technically the Goodwill employees are supposed to test all electronics before putting them on the floor. So, in my professional opinion, electronics at Goodwill are pretty trustworthy. But if you NEED to be sure, look around for an outlet in the store and plug it in for a test run! 

Until next time, my dears. (which hopefully won't be too long from now)

-Your Thrifty Godmother